Our Seasons
Over Under
Over Under was another season where we increased in size and scale. With the in-person ICC program, we had over 130 students and over 30 teams participate! Additionally, we continued offering multiple virtual programs, and continued to see interest. We also created new curriculum formats, as well as expanded the amount of content that was covered within our curriculum. Our curriculum for the Over Under season was released publically online, and can be viewed on this website by going to Curriculum > Old Curriculum. As with previous seasons, many of our students enjoyed developing and designing the Boost robot, and Over Under was a more dynamic game, allowing for Boost teams to spend more time on driving. In this season, we introduced concepts such as catapults, slappers, and flywheels, which were essential for the Skills portion of Over Under. These mechanisms allowed Boost students to qualify for the State Championship, and some even made it to the World Championship this season! Next season, we will continue releasing curriculum publically for anyone in the VEX community to use and grow from.
Spin Up
As with the Tipping Point season, VEX Spin Up was a major season for Boost Robotics. We mentored hundreds of new students, and continued our in-person ICC Robotics program as well as several virtual ones. Many of our teams found themselves enjoying the presentations, and these allowed teams to consistently meet together and build. During Spin Up, we also introduced many new concepts that hadn't been introduced prior, such as flywheels. These new mechanisms were difficult to build and perfect, but allowed participants to learn and grow as robotics students. Most of our teams this season visited at least one robotics competition, and some made it to the State Championship! Additionally, a few teams made it to the World Championship, and redesigned many parts of their robot to allow them to make it further. Many of our Spin Up teams are going to be continuing to the next season, and have already started brainstorming for Over Under!
Tipping Point
VEX Tipping Point season saw the escalation of the interest in the Boost Robotics program. We went from mentoring 20 students to over 200 students during this second season. All programs except for the one at ICC West Valley were still virtual. Many participants found this model to be extremely effective and teams started to plan their meeting times to include our live virtual presentation and would then continue with their build. The sessions were extremely interactive, and it was great to see a lot of participation. Majority of the teams took their first guided build to the first competition, and were subsequently motivated to either do either partial or complete rebuilds. Their seasons final robots looked very different from the initial builds, which is what we hoped would be the outcome and was the motivation behind offering the level-up sessions for the last 3rd of the sessions of each program. Five of the Boost mentored teams went to the World Championships this year and they, along with many other participants have already started designing and building next seasons robots.
Change Up
Boost Robotics was founded during the pandemic in the fall of 2020 when educators approached us with difficulty in mentoring due to shelter-in-place. A curriculum was then designed along with video lessons and weekly presentations to guide with the design, build and programming. Teams went on to participate in their first tournament in June 2021. The success of our mentorship was evident from the fact that three of these teams were active participants in the following season, and independently built robots and competed at a high level. Our mentorship during the following season only involved occasional level up sessions or help with troubleshooting certain issues. One team even qualified for the 2022 World Championships where they performed incredibly well.